A Maryland Uber Accident Lawyer Explains Understanding Your Rights Following a Thanksgiving Uber Accident
There is no good time to be involved in an Uber accident, especially when bodily injuries are involved. However, few situations are more challenging than being hurt in a rideshare accident on holidays like Thanksgiving. When these collisions happen, you are protected by certain rights related to everything from your personal injury case to your medical records. However, in many cases, these rights are only useful if you enforce them. This means taking the necessary steps to protect your personal injury case or insurance claim. Having the support of a Maryland Uber accident lawyer can be invaluable in these situations.
You Have the Right to Pursue a Personal Injury Lawsuit
If you were hurt in an accident caused by a negligent Uber driver on Thanksgiving, you have the right to pursue legal action. This right is no different than if the at-fault motorist was driving for their own personal reasons.
Uber treats its drivers as independent contractors, which can make it difficult to sue the company after the crash. However, there are times when Uber’s negligence might make for a viable injury lawsuit. In any scenario, you have the ability to file a claim on Uber’s insurance policy when the collision was not your fault.
Passengers Have the Right to Report an Accident to Uber
It is one thing to suffer an injury when you are struck by an Uber driver while operating your own vehicle. It is another when you are injured in a crash while being transported by a rideshare operator. Paying passengers are always covered by the insurance policies provided by Uber, but you need to enforce your right to report a crash to the company to protect your chance at a claim.
Uber makes it easy to report a collision, which only takes a few button taps while logged in to the mobile app to notify the company of an accident. It is never a good idea to rely on the driver to report a crash, especially if they are at fault.
You Have the Right to Report the Accident to Law Enforcement
Whether you were struck by an Uber driver or injured while paying for a ride, you have the right to notify the police immediately after the accident. If you were driving during a crash, you must report the incident to law enforcement if it involved bodily injuries, death, or major property damage.
Reporting your car accident is important. You will have the chance to speak with the responding officers, who will ultimately make a written report. You can ensure the report is accurate and reflects that the driver was acting as an Uber operator at the time of the crash. It is vital that, as a passenger, you ensure the report mentions you were in the vehicle.
You Are Entitled to Access to Medical Records
You have the right to maintain full control over your accident-related medical records, even in cases where you have not yet paid for the cost of your care. Your privacy rights under state and federal law prevent hospitals and medical care providers from limiting your access or sharing your records with third parties without your consent.
This is important, as having these records available is crucial if you are pursuing a personal injury lawsuit. Your records can establish the extent of your injuries, which can determine the type of monetary damages available to you. These records can also confirm that you sought medical care and followed the plan laid out by your doctor, which can strengthen your case in the future.
A Maryland Uber Accident Lawyer at Timothy A. Dachille and Associates Can Help Following a Thanksgiving Accident
No one wants their Thanksgiving holiday ruined by a vehicle accident, especially one that involves serious bodily injuries. Unfortunately, collisions can happen when we least expect it. If you were hurt in a crash on the holidays, our firm is here to help.
Relying on the guidance of a Maryland Uber accident lawyer could provide you with the compensation you deserve. Do not put yourself at risk by acting as your attorney. Contact Timothy A. Dachille and Associates as soon as possible to discuss your case with us during a free consultation.