A Maryland Truck Accident Attorney Explains How to Maximize Compensation in Maryland Truck Accident Claims

September 16, 2024
Fraser Dachille

Getting the most out of your truck accident injury settlement is important. Let a Maryland truck accident attorney with Timothy A. Dachille and Associates help you maximize your settlement.

The cost of medical care alone can be overwhelming for most people, and it says nothing of the expenses related to your damaged vehicle. You could also be entitled to compensation for your physical and emotional losses as well.

Taking the right steps can maximize your compensation for a Maryland truck accident claim. This requires developing evidence, following up on your prescribed treatment plan, and avoiding any discussion of the facts of your case.

Most importantly, you need the support of a skilled truck accident lawyer. Strong legal counsel can advise you of your options and help you get the fair outcome you deserve.

Follow Your Treatment Plan

One of the first things you can do to help maximize your financial recovery is to see a doctor. The second thing you can do is follow their treatment plan to the letter. It is not enough to visit a physician once and then ignore their advice. The failure to follow your treatment plan could lead to setbacks or even permanent health consequences.

This can also limit the amount of compensation you are able to recover. You have a duty to mitigate your damages, which means preventing your injuries from unnecessarily worsening. If you fail to do that, your settlement could be reduced substantially.

Do Not Discuss Your Accident With Anyone

Getting the most out of your claim is often about protecting yourself. When you talk openly about your accident, it can only work against you. Insurance adjusters and lawyers can twist your words, making it appear you admitted fault when you have not. This can turn a straightforward settlement into years of costly, time-consuming litigation.

It is especially important to avoid talking about your truck accident on social media. While sharing life experiences online is common, discussing your case could only strengthen the other side’s argument. Insurance adjusters are known for scouring social media feeds for evidence that an injury is not as severe as claimed.

Avoid Delays in Filing Your Claim

The more time you wait to seek guidance from a Maryland truck accident lawyer, the more difficult recovering the compensation you deserve becomes. As time passes, investigating these accidents becomes much more difficult. Physical evidence is lost, and the memory of witnesses fades over time. The sooner your Maryland truck accident attorney can investigate the crash, the better your odds of success.

The most important reason to avoid any delays is the statute of limitations. This legal deadline applies to all injury claims in Maryland, and filing your lawsuit after it expires can leave you with nothing. In general, you have three years from the date of your truck accident to file a lawsuit. If you wait too long, the court may have no choice but to dismiss your case forever.

Speak With a Maryland Truck Accident Attorney Right Away

The most important step you can take to maximize your compensation following a truck accident is to speak with an attorney. Personal injury lawsuits are complex, and you can count on the trucking company and its insurance provider to have a team of attorneys. Having counsel of your own evens the playing field and gives you a chance at getting fair compensation for your losses.

Your attorney can handle every step of your case, starting with a thorough investigation of how the truck crash happened. This can identify who is at fault and why they are responsible. A Maryland truck accident attorney could also negotiate a settlement on your behalf. If litigation becomes necessary, they can file a lawsuit and navigate the court system. Their work can dramatically increase your odds of success.

A Maryland Truck Accident Attorney At Timothy A. Dachille and Associates Can Help With Your Case

While there are actions you can take to improve your chances of a successful injury lawsuit, few are as important as your choice of a Maryland truck accident attorney. Timothy A. Dachille and Associates understands how important your claim is, and we will work tirelessly to get the most compensation available for your injuries.

When you act as your own attorney, you put your recovery at risk. Even a minor mistake can upend your claim and leave you with nothing. A Maryland truck accident lawyer could guide you through each stage of the litigation process. Contact us as soon as possible to schedule your free consultation.

Office Location

Timothy A. Dachille and Associates

20 South Charles Street, Suite 1102
Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Call - 410-752-2325

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